Business and Tourist Visa Extension of Stay Information: When foreign nationals enter the United States on a B-1 Business Visaor a B-2 Tourist Visa, they are issued a small white card by an immigration office immediately during entry into the United States. This card is called the I-94 Form. The form includes pertinent information such as the person’s name, date of entry, and location of entry in to the US. Additionally, it contains the date when the bearer must leave the US. In most cases, bearers of B-1 Business Visas and B-2 Tourist Visas are permitted to stay in the US for up to 6 months with the chance to extend their visa for an additional 6 months. Extension is possible to acquire, this is contingent upon the USCIS approval. This Application Guide includes all the necessary information for one to successfully apply for a B-1 or a B-2 Extension all the while mitigating human error in the application process.